Transformative AI Education

Promptellect is the definitive online platform for AI training. We offer comprehensive courses in AI applications for diverse industries, empowering individuals and businesses to harness the power of AI for enhanced efficiency and innovation.
Trusted by 60K+ learners worldwide
Passionate, world-class instructors
Community of highly engaged learners
All-in-One Resource for AI Training
Video Courses
Engaging, in-depth video lessons led by AI experts in various fields.
Interactive quizzes for immediate feedback and reinforcement of learning.
In-depth tests to gauge your progress and mastery of AI concepts.
Join a supportive network of learners and experts for collaboration and insight.

Trusted by 25K+ businesses all over the world

We're transforming AI knowledge at leading companies

“Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition."
Rudra Ghosh
Founder & CEO Superflow
“Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition."
Rudra Ghosh
Founder & CEO Superflow
“Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition."
Rudra Ghosh
Founder & CEO Superflow
“Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition."
Rudra Ghosh
Founder & CEO Superflow

Take self-studying to the next level

Course checkpoint and Plan certificate

Real-life projects
500+ Video Lessons, course quiz, homework and assessment
24/7 On-Demand access
Monthly Q&As and extra resources

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Courses for every industry

Both senior and early-career professionals are invited to inquire about positions at our fast-growing firm.

Automate your programming work

Centralize and simplify payments, and get comprehensive insights on your financials. Connect your bank account and your card to Milestone.
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Send your money across boarder within seconds

Centralize and simplify payments, and get comprehensive insights on your financials. Connect your bank account and your card to Milestone.
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Manage all your cards in one place

Centralize and simplify payments, and get comprehensive insights on your financials. Connect your bank account and your card to Milestone.
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Send your money across boarder within seconds

Centralize and simplify payments, and get comprehensive insights on your financials. Connect your bank account and your card to Milestone.
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Send your money across boarder within seconds

Centralize and simplify payments, and get comprehensive insights on your financials. Connect your bank account and your card to Milestone.
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Learning across the entire AI spectrum

"the interface is excellent"
"improvements in every release"
"it is my main workhorse now"