
We're Promptellect

Promptellect brings together expertise within multiple disciplines of business and a deep curiosity for artificial intelligence. Our team is dedicated to delivering reliable and useful courses for private individuals and businesses alike.

Embracing AI for a Smarter Future

At Promptellect, we firmly believe in the potential of artificial intelligence to transform lives, industries, and economies.

Our mission is to democratize AI education, making this game-changing technology accessible to everyone. By providing high-quality, industry-specific courses, we strive to empower businesses and individuals to leverage AI effectively, driving innovation and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

Join us on this exciting journey as we collectively shape a smarter, AI-driven future.

Meet Our Diverse Collective of AI Innovators.

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Founder & CEO
Alexander Bodén
David Gabor
Gustav Henning
Seth Brusewitz
Hannes Rönnerfalk
Max Olderius

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